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I’m Roanin. A creative from Slemani, a place I proudly call my home. Mine is not a tale of past trials and victories, but rather an unfolding narrative of creativity and imagination.


As I step forth on my creative journey, my vision is simple yet profound - to give a voice to my city and spark a cultural renaissance in the region. I envision my work as a guiding light, illuminating a path of innovation. But, as it often is with lofty dreams, the path is far from smooth.


I continually transform myself, experimenting with my craft, delving into various genres, and constantly evolving my art. My artistic style might not immediately resonate within the rigid framework of conventional art. But I’ll always choose reinvention over conformity, a decision I believe to be a defining aspect of my journey. Each transformation has brought me a step closer to my authentic self.


The art I create intimately reflects my innermost thoughts, emotions, and experiences. They breathe life into the stories of my city. I continue to navigate unexplored creative landscapes. And I never lose sight of my purpose.

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